Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge Shared Use Path

Connecting two historic communities across the Hudson River, the new Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge offers an unexpected, grand experience for joggers, hikers, cyclists, and the entire Hudson Valley community.
Exit and J2 worked with the State of New York to enrich this Shared Use Path (SUP) with a vibrant brand identity, a robust wayfinding system, and engaging interpretive elements. More than just a connector, the path has become a popular public amenity, a 3.6-mile-long park, and an exciting new part of the Valley’s extensive trail system.

Drawing on original research, Exit developed a Visual Communications Master Plan and brand strategy to unify the bridge, its landings and amenities, and a new website we designed to share essential visitor information.

Exit gave the SUP its signature blue surface to add an unexpected visual flair to the new crossing. To meet the project budget and durability requirements, we used a specialized slip-resistant epoxy color-matched to the New York State brand identity.
The bold coloring, combined with the colossal scale of its application, has made the path as emblematic of the bridge as the eight sleek towers supporting its main span.

Our comprehensive sign family ranges from monumental arrival moments and welcome center marquees to subtle mile markers and safety guidelines. A flexible new logo mark and icon system are featured throughout the site and nearby communities, where new directional signage guides visitors toward the path's entrances.

Public education is a central part of the bridge's mission, and Exit engaged a communications firm to discover and share additional stories about the region's history, ecology, and communities.
We told these stories online and on site, through graphic timelines and installations tracing the history and impact of the bridge across its two entrances and six themed outlooks located along its span.

The Shared Use Path on the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge has dramatically exceeded expectations, bringing together infrastructure enthusiasts, birders, and history buffs alongside fitness enthusiasts and commuters. It's educating the public, helping people stay healthy, and connecting everyone in the Hudson Valley – to each other and to their shared past.