As Founder and President of Exit Design, Alan provides innovative leadership to help organizations define their vision and craft strategies for growth. Brand strategy and experience design in the built environment have been the keystones of Alan’s research and passion in the areas of education, healthcare, arts, science and technology, retail, development, tourism, and public space. Alan is also the Co-Founder of J2 Design (sister studio of Exit), focused on brand strategy, print and web design, and communications.
Alan is a natural convener who brings people with different viewpoints and agendas together to find common ground and move their organizations forward. He leads Exit Design’s strategy process, gathering stakeholder input to identify our clients’ core objectives, challenges, and areas for opportunity; that vital information drives the creativity our design team to formulate transformative solutions. As creative director, Alan is driven by the impact design can have on the on our quality of life, organizational growth, and the influence of design on attraction and affinity.
Alan plays leadership roles in a variety of communities as an active board member of The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia and The Center for Architecture and Design. He is the Board Chair of the Arts and Business Council of Greater Philadelphia as well as the internationally recognized Village of Arts and Humanities in North Philadelphia. Alan is a recipient of the Philadelphia Creative Economy Award and the Professional Excellence Award. He is a frequent speaker on experience design and brand strategy at conferences and universities.